Do Online Music Lessons Really Work? 5 Reasons to Believe

After a global pandemic completely changed the way we live our lives, schools and other places of business were forced to temporarily shut their doors (permanently in some instances). Some businesses were able to adapt by allowing their employees to work remotely from the comfort of their homes, while others just had to weather the storm. Schools have also adapted to the change by providing lessons to their students virtually, during a time when human interaction has been reduced to a minimum. Some music schools have pivoted their services to allow virtual learning, which has left some wondering; are online music lessons really worth it?
The simple answer is “Yes,” but let’s break down why you should give this newer method of learning serious consideration. And we know what you’re thinking; this post must be biased based on the fact that we’re offering this service, but just know we wouldn’t offer this service unless we strongly believed in its benefits.  Over the years, online music lessons have been truly overlooked as an effective method of teaching due to the fact that many believe that learning should be done in person. But as we’re forced to spend more time in our homes, students and parents are realizing that not only is it effective, but it’s also a much more convenient alternative to in-school learning.
Let’s take a moment to discuss the convenience factor. Unless you live directly next to your music school, you may have to take a short commute, to and from their location. Factor in the cost of gas, and dealing with traffic, when you think about it, this can take up a lot of your time and money. If this isn’t a problem for you, great! But if it is, we highly recommend you continue reading about the benefits of learning online.
Without further ado, here are our top 5 reasons why learning music online works.

#1: Save Time

No need to worry about the cost and the time involved with in-person lessons. You could pretty much roll out of the bed (or couch) and start learning. This frees up time for you to incorporate other activities into your daily schedule.

#2: Save Money

Not only do you typically save on the cost of the online lesson itself, but you also save on the cost of commuting to and from the school. While it may not be a very distant commute, over time the cost of gas adds up.

#3: Reduce anxiety

Being in a familiar place can help reduce the feeling of social anxiety in some students. A student experiencing social anxiety may find it difficult to learn in a school environment.

#4: Find the right teacher

Just because a local school comes highly recommended, it doesn’t mean they have the ideal teacher for you or your child. The great thing about learning online is that you have access to teachers from around the world. Having the option of selecting a teacher that closely matches your desired style, can go a long way towards enjoying the learning process.

#5: Focused learning

While there are some still hesitant on the concept of online learning, online tutoring tends to mimic the in-person experience without actually being in-person. Teachers provide focused lesson plans and feedback that are imperative to the success of a program.
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, our top 5 reasons why we believe online music lessons work. Do your research though and figure out what works for you and your situation. If you’d like to book a free trial lesson, get in touch with us today.
Twitter: @ourbrighterside
Instagram: @ourbrighterside

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